Working with Nested Folders

Starting with GDG 0.7, support for nested folders has been added. This feature requires grafana 11+. You can watch a Intro video or read the offical annoucements here.

It is current behind a feature toggle. You will need to set the folliwing value in your grafana.ini

enable = nestedFolders,...

or have the following ENV variable set


Additionaly GDG configuration needs to have the behavior enabled.

    nested_folders: true

Once enabled, the behavior for Dashboards and folders should reflect that.


For example:

gdg backup dashboard list

│ ID │ TITLE                             │ SLUG                        │ FOLDER     │ NESTEDPATH   │ UID            │ TAGS                          │ URL                                                                │
21 │ RabbitMQ-Overview                 │ rabbitmq-overview           │ General    │ General             │ Kn5xm-gZk      │ ["rabbitmq-prometheus"]       │ http://localhost:3000/d/Kn5xm-gZk/rabbitmq-overview                │
24 │ Node Exporter Full                │ node-exporter-full          │ dummy      │ Others/dummy        │ rYdddlPWk      │ ["linux"]                     │ http://localhost:3000/d/rYdddlPWk/node-exporter-full               │
26 │ K8s / Storage / Volumes / Cluster │ k8s-storage-volumes-cluster │ someFolder │ Others/someFolder   │ bdx48n30kejuoa │ ["k8s","openshift","storage"] │ http://localhost:3000/d/bdx48n30kejuoa/k8s-storage-volumes-cluster │

Note the folder of Node Exporter Full is now Others/dummy, the watched_folders would also need to be updated as it does a substring match, but it might give you plenty of false positives.

Example: filter on ‘dummy’ folder also matches /dummy and /a/b/c/d/dummy and /a/dummy/ etc. It’s better to be explicit or have a regex Patern

  - Others/*


  - Others/dummy
  - Others/someFolder


gdg backup folders list

│ UID            │ TITLE      │ NESTEDPATH          │
│ ddxll3n7dse80d │ dummy      │ Others/dummy        │
│ edx4a6qbjt5hcd │ dummy      │ dummy               │
│ fdxll3n62cbnkf │ Others     │ Others              │
│ fdxll3nd7jv9cc │ someFolder │ Others/someFolder   │

Folder Permission

Starging with GDG v0.7 file name convention are the slug of the full nested path rather than folder name.

│ FILENAME                                                    │
│ test/data/org_testing/folders-permissions/others-dummy.json │
│ test/data/org_testing/folders-permissions/dummy.json        │
│ test/data/org_testing/folders-permissions/others.json       │
│ test/data/org_testing/folders-permissions/somefolder.json   │