Enterprise Guide

The features listed below are for the enterprise edition of Grafana only. They will not work on the OSS version.

In order to use these features you need.

  1. Have a running Enterprise version of grafana, I’ll defer to the grafana community on instructions on how to set this up.

For a docker setup, you need to set:


Connections Permissions

Note: Available with +v0.4.6. All of these commands are a subset of the connection command. Requires grafana version: +v10.2.3

All commands can use permission or p to manage connection permissions.

./bin/gdg c permission list -- Lists all current connections permissions
./bin/gdg c permission download -- Download all connections from grafana to local file system
./bin/gdg c permission upload -- Exports all dashboard from local filesystem (matching folder filter) to Grafana
./bin/gdg c permission clear -- Deletes all connections Permissions (Leaving only the default values)

You can additionally filter by connection slug in order to only operate on a single connection.

./bin/gdg c permission list --connection my-elastic-connection

Permission Listing
│ ID │ UID       │ NAME              │ SLUG          │ TYPE                            │ DEFAULT                        │ URL                                                          │
│  1 │ uL86Byf4k │ Google Sheets     │ google-sheets │ grafana-googlesheets-datasource │ false                          │ http://localhost:3000/connections/datasources/edit/uL86Byf4k │
│  1 │ uL86Byf4k │     PERMISSION--> │ Admin         │ User                            │ user:admin                     │                                                              │
│  1 │ uL86Byf4k │     PERMISSION--> │ Edit          │ User                            │ user:tux                       │                                                              │
│  1 │ uL86Byf4k │     PERMISSION--> │ Query         │ User                            │ user:sa-1-test-service-account │                                                              │
│  1 │ uL86Byf4k │     PERMISSION--> │ Query         │ Team                            │ team:engineers                 │                                                              │
│  1 │ uL86Byf4k │     PERMISSION--> │ Admin         │ BuiltinRole                     │ builtInRole:Admin              │                                                              │
│  1 │ uL86Byf4k │     PERMISSION--> │ Query         │ BuiltinRole                     │ builtInRole:Viewer             │                                                              │
│  1 │ uL86Byf4k │     PERMISSION--> │ Query         │ BuiltinRole                     │ builtInRole:Editor             │                                                              │
│  3 │ rg9qPqP7z │ netsage           │ netsage       │ elasticsearch                   │ true                           │ http://localhost:3000/connections/datasources/edit/rg9qPqP7z │
│  3 │ rg9qPqP7z │     PERMISSION--> │ Admin         │ User                            │ user:admin                     │                                                              │
│  3 │ rg9qPqP7z │     PERMISSION--> │ Query         │ BuiltinRole                     │ builtInRole:Editor             │                                                              │
│  3 │ rg9qPqP7z │     PERMISSION--> │ Admin         │ BuiltinRole                     │ builtInRole:Admin              │                                                              │
│  3 │ rg9qPqP7z │     PERMISSION--> │ Query         │ BuiltinRole                     │ builtInRole:Viewer             │                                                              │
│  2 │ i6uqEqE7k │ Netsage TSDS      │ netsage-tsds  │ globalnoc-tsds-datasource       │ false                          │ http://localhost:3000/connections/datasources/edit/i6uqEqE7k │
│  2 │ i6uqEqE7k │     PERMISSION--> │ Admin         │ User                            │ user:admin                     │                                                              │
│  2 │ i6uqEqE7k │     PERMISSION--> │ Query         │ BuiltinRole                     │ builtInRole:Viewer             │                                                              │
│  2 │ i6uqEqE7k │     PERMISSION--> │ Query         │ BuiltinRole                     │ builtInRole:Editor             │                                                              │
│  2 │ i6uqEqE7k │     PERMISSION--> │ Admin         │ BuiltinRole                     │ builtInRole:Admin              │                                                              │